The 5 Best Yogurt Health Benefits

Lots of people know yogurt as a tasty, sweet and tangy snack. But, did you know that yogurt also has plenty of health benefits, too?

It’s not about the sweetened yogurt on the market. Though, eating that yogurt isn’t so bad—after all, it’s a much better snack than greasy chips or sugary cookies. Yogurt made with natural sweeteners like fruits or just plain yogurt make excellent additions to any healthy eating menu.

But, yogurt is a super food, too.

It’s pack with plenty of vitamins and contains nutrients essential to maintaining a healthy body, specifically a healthy gastrointestinal system.

Don’t believe yogurt health benefits? Well, keep reading on to learn why yogurt has plenty of health benefits.

Yogurt Health Benefits

Yogurt is a pretty unique food. It’s filled with nutrients and vitamins, yet some people think it’s all about being sugary sweet. But, like any foods on the market, you can buy sweetened yogurt and unsweetened yogurt and even those that have enough sweeteners to make eating it worth it.

Yogurt is considered an important source of many essential nutrients and vitamins, including riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium, protein, calcium and vitamin B-2 and B-12. Much of the caloric and nutritional content in yogurt is also found in milk, particularly the same milk used to make it. That makes yogurt a great alternative for people who don’t like or can’t drink much milk.

Benefit #1: Probiotics in yogurt may help boost the immune system.

Yogurt, specifically yogurt with active cultures, may help boost the immune system. If you’re wondering how that’s done, it’s mainly because probiotics help rebalance the gut’s microflora, otherwise known as the healthy bacteria that resides within the gastrointestinal system.

Healthy bacteria helps protect the gastrointestinal system and helps keep everything running smoothly. But, according to medical research, probiotics may also have an effect on boosting the efficiency of the immune system, too.

Probiotics were found to have ‘helped improve the health of people with inflammatory bowel disease by altering the intestinal flora and stifling the immune system’s response to the disease.’

It was also found to help ‘enhance resistance to illnesses of the gut and improve recovery from different infections.’

Benefit #2: Yogurt may help people prevent the onset of osteoporosis.

Many health experts say that the ‘key to help preventing the onset of osteoporosis is getting enough nutrition everyday.’ The most important micronutrients that people should consume, to prevent the onset of the condition, as calcium and vitamin D.

Yogurt is a great source of calcium and vitamin D. Many healthier yogurt brands have plenty of calcium and are fortified with vitamin D. Increasing your intake of both is said to have a significant ‘beneficial effect on bone mass,’ no matter your age.

Benefit #3: Yogurt may help people reduce their risk of developing high blood pressure.

According to a study, which followed over 5,000 university graduates in Spain for a period of two years, there’s a link between dairy intake and a risk of high blood pressure.

The study revealed a ’50 percent reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure,’ mainly among people who ate as much as 2 to 3 servings of low-fat dairy or dairy-free each day. That was compared to people who didn’t consume the dairy every day.

Most of the low-fat dairy consumed during the study was milk, however many researchers believe that low-fat yogurt may produce the same result.

Another Dutch study showed that, too. Higher daily consumption, mainly from milk and yogurt, was found to be ‘linked to lower blood pressure in men and women aged between 50 to 75 years old.’

Benefit #4: Yogurt can help you feel full.

Yogurt can help people feel satiated. That’s what a study from the University of Washington revealed when they researched and tested hunger, fullness and caloric intake among 16 men and 16 women who had consumed a 200 calorie snack.

The snacks used in the study were peach juice, peach-flavored dairy beverages, semi-solid yogurt with peach pieces and drinkable yogurt with peach.

The people who did consume the yogurt didn’t eat fewer calories once they had their next meal. But, the study did discover something interesting. The people who ate both types of yogurt had ‘lower hunger ratings and higher fullness ratings’ than people who had consumed the other snacks. So, the next time you consume yogurt, think about that.

Benefit #5: Yogurt can be consumed by those who are lactose intolerant.

People who are lactose intolerant may not be able to eat dairy products, and a lack of dairy means they miss out on various natural vitamins and nutrients.

But, people with lactose intolerance can eat yogurt. It’s because the lactose in milk gets converted to lactic acid by the bacterial cultures used to create yogurt. That helps lessens the effects of the intolerance. There are also special soy or rise milk yogurt recipes to make yogurt at home with your own yogurt maker.

Homemade Yogurt: Making Soy Yogurt At Home

Making yogurt at home is pretty easy. In fact, you can even make dairy free yogurt right at home, whether you prefer a thicker Greek-style yogurt or a thinner yogurt that’s great in smoothies and other tasty blended drinks.

Dairy free yogurt is a great alternative for people who can’t eat dairy products for health reasons. It’s also great for people who choose not to eat dairy products, such as those on a vegan diet. To accommodate both parties, plenty of dairy free yogurts exist, such as the popular almond milk yogurt and soy milk yogurt.

So, can you actually make almond milk or soy milk yogurt home? Actually, you can. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at soy yogurt and show you how to make soy yogurt at home.

Making Homemade Yogurt: Soy Yogurt

Soy yogurt is yogurt that’s prepared with cultured soy milk. It’s made by heating soy milk and adding yogurt cultures, commonly Streptococcus salivarius subsp, Thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp, Bulgaricus. Many soy yogurt brands also include sweeteners like different sugars and flavorings to enhance its flavor.

This yogurt is suitable for people with dairy intolerant health conditions (like allergies and lactose intolerance) or people who are ovo-vegetarians or vegans.

Of course, you can prepare soy yogurt right at home using the same methods as you would with dairy yogurt. Even though soy milk does lack lactose (milk sugar) needed to promote bacterial fermentation, you can promote the fermentation aspect by mixing about a tablespoon of sugar to every quart of soy milk you use.

And, now for the recipe itself.

Making Homemade Yogurt ~ The Recipe

You don’t actually have to make your own soy milk to produce your own soy yogurt—you can buy your soy milk. And, once you do, don’t forget to get your own ingredients and supplies ready.

We will continue this article with how to make homemade yogurt but this can easily be updated to make soy yogurt with a yogurt maker. Using a yogurt maker will take all the mixing, handling and time keeping away from you and you can even set a timer to have the fresh yogurt ready whenever you want it to be!

As we’ve mentioned in another article about dairy free yogurts, you can use anything that will hold your yogurt safely to produce the treat. The best thing to use for culturing soy yogurt is a crock pot, naturally just the pot and not the heating pan. The lid and the insulation of the pan work well to keep the yogurt mixture warm without having to use extra insulation like a towel. Not to mention, many crock pots are compact, but hold a lot of liquid.

Other ingredients you need include the yogurt cultures and a good thickener, both preferably dairy free and vegan-friendly.

Non-Dairy Yogurt Culture (3 Packets) - For Use with Soy or Rice MilksThe yogurt cultures usually come in the form of a yogurt starter or probiotics powder. You can find it online or in health food stores that usually carry vegan food products. You should mix this starter into the milk right after it’s warm to start the culturing, making sure it’s mixed in well.

The thickener can be mixed in before or after the culturing process. Most people use vegan-friendly gelatin, agar or pectin powder. Mix this thickener with a few tablespoons of water before adding into the yogurt mixture.

Now, let’s talk about the actual cooking and culturing process:


The cooking process is pretty straightforward. Add your soy milk to a pan and heat it until it gets lukewarm or to body temperature. Once you sense that it’s warm enough, remove it from the heat, so you don’t let the cultures die off once you add them.

If you’re worried about the temperature getting too hot, have a candy thermometer on hand. You want your milk to get a little over 100 degrees Fahrenheit before removing it from heat.

Allow the mixture to cool before you add in your cultures—let it reach a little under 100 degrees Fahrenheit before adding it in. Once it’s cool, add in 4 tablespoons of your starter to the milk and mix it well until it’s completely incorporated.


When you culture the yogurt, it needs to stay in a warm and preferably dry place. Pour your milk mixture into the crock pot, after having rinsed it with boiling water to sterilize, and cover with its lid.

Let the mixture culture for about 5 to 10 hours, depending on how thick and tangy you want your yogurt. Once the yogurt gets thick, separate any additional liquid and move the yogurt to another container to chill.


If you feel that your soy yogurt is a little too thin, there are ways to thicken it.

You can add thickeners to soy milk before you culture it with the yogurt starter. Add about 1 teaspoon of agar powder, gelatin or pectin powder to the milk when it starts to get hot. Change the amount depending on how thick you want the milk to get. Some people add extra soy protein to thicken their milk, too.

Making Homemade Soy Yogurt: Closing Thoughts

As you can see, making soy yogurt at home is pretty easy when you see how it’s done. We hope our article will help you make tasty soy yogurt at home. Thanks for reading!

Homemade Yogurt: Making Greek Yogurt At Home

You can always buy Greek yogurt in a store. However, there’s something awesome about making it right at home. Learning how to make Greek yogurt is easier than most people think, too.

After you make homemade yogurt, there’s an extra step. Of course, you can always eat the yogurt as-is and after it cools. But, the extra step is what turns your regular homemade yogurt into tasty Greek yogurt.

Making Homemade Greek Yogurt ~ Greek Yogurt

Greek or ‘Greek-style yogurt’ is a type of strained yogurt. Strained yogurt is yogurt that has been strained of its whey content after the culturing process. The straining gets rid of the whey, leaving behind a thicker yogurt that’s said to have a consistency between ‘unstained yogurt and soft cheese.’

Although traditional strained yogurt is typically made from sheep’s milk, it’s commonly made from cow’s milk, especially for the Greek-style yogurt you can find in stores today.

In fact, most Greek yogurt is made from cow’s milk nowadays, particularly if you’re going to buy it in stores or make it at home.

Greek yogurt with a yogurt maker

Dash Greek yogurt makerThe following recipe we’re about to show you use whole milk, as its fat content is perfect for making a thick Greek-style yogurt. Although you can use skim or low fat milk, they produce thinner yogurts that will need thickening before you strain.

The homemade Greek yogurt recipe can be made with your normal kitchen utensils but also quite easily transformed to use with a yogurt maker. A yogurt maker machine will take all the problems and timing issues out of your hands. Put in the ingredients and set the timer and you’ll have fresh Greek yogurt whenever you want!

Greek yogurt walnuts honey

Making Homemade Greek Yogurt ~ The Process

In our last article, we showed you how to make homemade yogurt with just a few ingredients and supplies. This time, we’re going to show you how to make Greek yogurt in the same way, with just one more step.

Once again, make sure your equipment is sterilized before you start. You can do that by pouring boiling water into each of the containers you plan to use for storing your yogurt. After you pour in the hot water, wait about 5 minutes and then pour out the water to let the containers dry.

You’ll also need cheesecloth and some twine for the straining process. While you can use other types of thin cloth, cheesecloth will help you produce a ‘thicker’ and more consistent yogurt.

  • Boil your milk to 180 degrees. The candy thermometer should be used to take the temperature while the milk heats. Once it reaches that temperature, take the pan off the heat, while keeping the thermometer in the pan.
  • Wait a while for the temperature to drop to 115 degrees. After that, mix in your yogurt or yogurt starter (you can temper this with milk by mixing it with 2 cups of milk before using it) until it’s completely mixed in the milk. Pour the mixture inside your sterile pot or container where the yogurt will culture.
  • Put a lid or some plastic wrap over the pot or container containing the mixture. Store the mixture in a warm place for about 10 to 12 hours. If you need to, keep the yogurt warm by wrapping the towel around the pot or container. If you want a tangier yogurt, keep the yogurt stored for an additional 3 to 5 hours.
  • Refrigerate once it’s finished culturing. Let the yogurt cool for least 3 to 4 hours before eating.

Here’s where the directions get different or, rather, here’s the extra step we were talking about: the straining process.

  • Get a big bowl ready by lining it with cheesecloth. When you’re done, dump about 2 cups of your yogurt into the center of the cloth.
  • Bring together the corners of your cheesecloth. Lift the yogurt out of the bowl, holding the corners, and twist to start draining the whey liquid.
  • Keep squeezing to get all of the whey out. Once most of the whey has drained, tie off the part that you’re holding with your twine.
  • Now, get out a strainer or colander, put it into the large bowl and sit your partially strained yogurt inside. The yogurt will continue draining for a few hours.
  • Sit the yogurt bowl inside your refrigerator, as it drains, for about 2 to 3 hours. After that, take out the bowl and remove the yogurt (still in the cheesecloth). Hold it over the sink and gently squeeze out as much whey liquid as you can.
  • Once you’re done, return the yogurt to the strainer and prepare another clean and sterile bowl, preferably one big enough to store the yogurt (make sure it has a lid, too). Remove the twine, open the cloth and (with a spoon or spatula) scoop and scrape the yogurt into a bowl. Your end result should be as thick as sour cream.

YogurtMaking Homemade Greek Yogurt: Closing Thoughts

As you can see, Greek-style yogurt is just as easy to make at home as ‘regular’ yogurt. Although you do have to strain the yogurt for a few more hours, the end result is well worth the effort. Greek yogurt is a healthy snack since it’s low fat and you can easily combine it with fresh fruits. Thanks for reading about how to make Greek yogurt!

Yogurt Alternatives: Dairy Free Yogurt

Dairy free yogurt. Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? Well, believe it or not, it’s very much a real thing.

People who can’t eat or prefer not to eat dairy already know that dairy free yogurt is a thing. In fact, dairy free yogurt is a perfect dairy yogurt alternative for dairy sensitive people and people who prefer not to consume dairy products. Not to mention, most dairy free yogurts are completely vegan.

In this article, we’re going to review some popular dairy free yogurt brands and look at a simple dairy free yogurt recipe.

Dairy Free Yogurt ~ The Most Popular Brands


Amande is an almond milk dairy free yogurt brand. This dairy free yogurt comes in several flavors, including the standard vanilla and fruit flavors like cherry and strawberry. Some people consider the consistency to be a little ‘strange,’ but it’s a great alternative for people who need a good dairy free yogurt.

This dairy free yogurt is best eaten with granola or other fruity mix-ins.

Almond Dream

As another dairy free yogurt almond milk yogurt, this one has a better and more ‘yogurt-like’ consistency than the aforementioned. It comes in five flavors, including coconut, mixed berry and plain. Much like the last brand, people enjoy mixing in granola or a handful of fruit to bolster the taste factor of this dairy free yogurt.

This is great with a handful of sweet, crunch granola or ripe banana and strawberry—or your fruit of choice.

Trader Joe’s Dairy Free Yogurt

If you can get a hold of Trader Joe’s brand of dairy free yogurt or cultured coconut milk, they present a great alternative to other brands on the market. They have plenty of flavors, including vanilla and blueberry. While this dairy free yogurt works for some people, it might not be good for people with soy allergies, as they may contain guar gum.

This dairy free yogurt is best eaten with granola or ripe fruit.

So Delicious

Another brand of cultured coconut milk, this dairy free yogurt also comes in many flavors, such as the popular blueberry and vanilla kind. It has a watery texture, so people who like a thicker dairy free yogurt might not like it, especially if they don’t want to strain it. This dairy free yogurt might also contain guar gum, so if you have a soy allergy, avoid this brand.

Before you buy dairy free yogurt, make sure you read the ingredients labels. You’re going to want to check for any non-dairy ingredients and any other ingredients that may trigger allergic reactions.

Dairy Free Yogurt ~ Make Your Own

Many people have their own way in making homemade dairy free yogurt. Using a crock pot without its heating plate is a great way to produce dairy free yogurt. This typically ceramic pot is the right size and has great insulation for making dairy free yogurt.

Dash go bulkOf course instead of starting with crock pots and heating plates and cooling down etc etc, you can opt for a yogurt maker. The yogurt maker will take all the extra handling and you don’t have to worry about whether the yogurt will be heated long enough or so.

The recipe below can be made completely with your crock pots etc but also easily be changed to use with a yogurt maker.

If you’re wondering about the milk you should use, don’t worry. There are several dairy free milks that work well for making dairy free yogurt. Coconut milk and soy milk produce the best results (a thicker yogurt), however people also make dairy free yogurt from almond milk and rice milk. You’ll have to use dairy free thickeners, however, to get your yogurt at a ‘yogurt-like’ consistency.

Dairy free yogurt recipe

To make dairy free yogurt, you’ll need:

  • A quart of organic soy or coconut milk
  • A teaspoon of probiotics powder (yogurt starter), dairy-free
  • A thickener, such as gelatin, agar or pectin powder (combine with about 4 tablespoons of water before mixing in finished yogurt), optional

To start making your dairy free yogurt, pour your milk inside of a pan and heat it until its lukewarm or around body temperature. If you heat it too much, it will end up destroying the yogurt cultures. When it’s ready, pour the heated milk into the ceramic pot. Make sure you’ve cleaned out the pot with boiling hot water and left it to dry out to sterilize it.

Mix together your tempered yogurt cultures with your soy or coconut milk. You can ‘temper’ your yogurt cultures by mixing the tablespoon of probiotics powder with a portion of the coconut or soy milk. Combine the tempered milk with the fresh milk until everything is blended properly.

When you’ve mixed everything, cover the mixture with a piece of cheesecloth or a lid and let it sit in a warm area for about 6 to 10 hours, based on its temperature and how thick you want your dairy free yogurt. Longer culturing times will make the yogurt taste tangier.

Remove the lid a few hours later. Thanks to the probiotics, the milk should have separated into one layer, while the remaining liquid into another.

Pour out the liquid if it’s settled at the top and scoop the yogurt into a container for storage. If it’s settled at the bottom, scoop out the thick yogurt on top into container for storage. Once you’re done, mix up your yogurt and put it in the fridge to cool. And, you’re done! Enjoy your dairy free yogurt!

Why Healthy Yogurt Is Good For You

Did you know that yogurt is healthy for you? Well, it is. This fermented milk product is consumed around the world in many ways, and all of those resultant dishes are as delicious as you would expect them to be.

Yogurt is made from different types of milk, most notably cow’s milk. It’s also made from other types of milk, such as goat milk, in other parts of the world. Yogurt is produced using a culture of different bacteria: Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus bacteria. Sometimes, other types of bacteria cultures are added during or after the yogurt culturing process.

Yes, even though yogurt contains bacteria, this type of bacteria is completely safe to consume. In fact, certain types of live bacteria are even added to yogurt to aid digestion and other bodily processes. But, more on that later.

healthy-yogurtYogurt: The Super Food?

Is yogurt a super food? Given that yogurt is commonly featured as a part of many healthy eating menus, it’s pretty obvious that many people do consider yogurt to be some kind of super food.

In fact, yogurt itself is packed with nutritious vitamins. It’s rich in protein, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Yogurt is also a low fat food, making it suitable for various low fat diets.

This dairy product is also considered a great super food for both infants and seniors. Younger children who eat plain yogurt get a balanced source of fats, minerals, carbohydrates and protein. Seniors who may have gastrointestinal issues benefit from the healthy bacteria that gets reintroduced into their gastrointestinal system, which may help eliminate the growth of toxin-creating bacteria.

Yogurt is also said to have benefits with helping prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure.

But, of course, that’s not the only health benefits that yogurt has.

yogurt-blood-pressureHealthy Yogurt and Probiotics

Yogurt has many benefits. But, there’s one benefit that yogurt has that a lot of people don’t realize. It’s only becoming more popular as more people become health conscious about what’s really going through their gastrointestinal system.

Probiotics. Probiotics are known as a type of organism, usually in the form of bacteria or yeast, that are said to help improve health. They’re mainly available as health supplements, but it’s common to get probiotics from super foods like yogurt.

Probiotics are used to help improve the balance of healthy bacteria in the body, notably the gastrointestinal system. According to medical researchers, some gastrointestinal conditions or diseases develop when this healthy balance of bacteria is disturbed. When taken, probiotics are said to help ‘improve intestinal function and help maintain the health of the lining of the intestines.

Healthy yogurt contains plenty of probiotics, and are usually marketed as those with ‘live and active cultures’ for a ‘healthier lifestyle.

People who are concerned with their gastrointestinal health will benefit from eating healthy yogurt with probiotics. And, not only is it healthy for you, but it also takes pretty good, too.

Good Health And Yogurt?

Speaking of probiotics, yogurt that’s rich in active cultures helps improve gastrointestinal health. In fact, as we’ve mentioned, that’s what many medical researchers think about healthy yogurt. Let’s look at that in more detail.

Yogurt treated with active cultures are known to help improve the health of people with conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, H. pylori infection, lactose intolerance, inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer.

That’s because these active cultures (also known as probiotics) are known to help: restore the health of the gut’s microflora or healthy bacteria, improve the digestion of food traveling through the intestinal system, including the bowels, and enhance the body’s immune system functions.

Finding Healthy Yogurt in Stores

If you want to add more yogurt to your diet, you’re in luck. There are plenty of types of yogurt available in supermarkets, grocery stores and other shops where you can buy food. However, how do you know which yogurts are a healthy snack or just a sweet treat?

Cuisinart CYM-100There is only one way to fully understand why ingredients are in your yogurt and that is making your own yogurt. Now you think that’s too time consuming or too difficult?

Nothing is further from the truth! Making yogurt is easy and can be done quickly. You can make homemade yogurt without a machine but the easiest is with a yogurt maker.

Just read a few of the reviews on this website to get an idea of the yogurt makers. The best yogurt makers have a cooling mechanism and a timer. In that way you can have enough fresh yogurt every single morning!

Yogurt with active cultures are always sold with some kind of label denoting that they contain ‘live and active cultures.’ These brands are typically advertised for people who may be looking for a healthier yogurt alternative than other brands on the market.

Of course, these yogurt brands also list the types of bacteria in their cultures. Most contains probiotics cultures with bacteria like S.Thermophilus, L.Bulgaricus and bifidobacterium. You might want to look for specific active cultures, especially if you’re buying that type of yogurt for health-related reasons.

Other than that, the market’s filled with different types of healthy yogurt brands. Plain yogurt, flavored yogurt and fruit yogurt—no matter what kind of yogurt starter you pick, you’re still making a great choice.

Yogurt is a great super food. With as many health benefits that yogurt possesses, adding this super food to your diet is a sure benefit.

Homemade Yogurt

It’s easy enough to head to a store and buy yogurt. After all, there’s a wide selection of yogurt in the dairy isle that’s difficult to ignore. But, you can actually make your own yogurt right at home. Even though it sounds difficult, it’s actually pretty easy—let’s take a look at it.

Making Yogurt at Home ~ Getting Started

Making yogurt at home is pretty easy. Okay, it requires some preparation, but once you’re done, it’s a sure process. You need equipment, supplies and enough space to keep your cultured yogurt steady in the fridge.

Getting started merely involves getting together your supplies and equipment. You actually don’t need complicated equipment, either.

Euro Cuisine Automatic YMX650Should you use a yogurt maker?

While many people readily make yogurt using pots, bowls and other supplies, others invest in what’s known as a yogurt maker.

Yogurt makers are small appliances that are designed to make yogurt. They’re especially noted for controlling the temperature needed to ensure the milk-yogurt culture mixture cultures properly and changes into thick yogurt.

You don’t exactly need a yogurt machine to make yogurt, but most people might find it easier to use one. That especially goes for people who plan on making fresh yogurt on a daily basis.

Most yogurt makers have a timer so you can schedule the start and have fresh yogurt every morning for breakfast!

Here, we’re going to look at a yogurt recipe that doesn’t necessarily use a yogurt machine. However, it can easily be adapted to fit one.

Making Homemade Yogurt ~ The Ingredients

Yogurt takes a few hours – about five – to incubate before it’s ready to eat. That’s why many people make this recipe before letting the mixture incubate overnight. Of course, before we get deeper into the process, let’s look at we need to make yogurt.

1 Quart Of Milk – Whole Milk

Whole milk is considered better to use for a thicker ‘standard’ yogurt, especially if you prefer a thicker yogurt. You can also use skim milk or low-fat milk, however they produce a thinner yogurt as a result. Thickeners like powdered dry milk can be used to thicken thinner yogurts. If you want to make dairy free yogurt, you should get coconut or soy milk for instance.

Yogourmet Freeze Dried Yogurt Starter3 Tablespoons Plain Yogurt With Active Cultures Or A Powdered Yogurt Starter

If you can’t find a powdered yogurt starter, it’s easier to get yogurt with an active culture. These yogurts are usually tagged with such information, usually as healthy probiotics yogurt, so they’re not hard to find.

Flavorings – Any Kind

Once the yogurt is done, you’re welcome to add any flavorings that you like. The most popular include fruits (canned, fresh, frozen, cooked, etc), jam, honey, chocolate and caramel for sweeter yogurt. The yogurt can also be used in savory dishes in many ways, such as a marinade or sauce. It’s even a great substitute for fats in baking.

Making Homemade Yogurt ~ The Instructions

To make homemade yogurt without a yogurt machine, you’ll need:

  • Bowls, preferably a large bowl or pot for culturing the yogurt and several small ones to store the yogurt after culturing.
  • Small containers or jars, for storing the yogurt after culturing if bowls aren’t an option.
  • Candy thermometer, for keeping track of the temperature.
  • Saucepan, preferably one with a heavy bottom for scaling the milk.
  • Towel, for wrapping around the bowl or pot where the yogurt will incubate while culturing, to keep it warm or at the right temperature.

Before you start, sterilize your equipment by pouring boiling water into each of the containers you plan to use for your yogurt. Wait 5 minutes, pour out the water and let the containers dry.

  1. Start by boiling your milk to 180 degrees. Use the thermometer to take the temperature as the milk heats. Once it reaches the right temperature, remove the pan from heat, keeping the thermometer in the pan.
  1. Wait for the temperature to drop to 115 degrees. As soon as it cools to that temperature, mix in the yogurt or the yogurt starter (tempered with milk) until it’s completely incorporated in the milk. Once that’s done, pour the mixture inside the sterile pot or container where the yogurt will culture.
  1. Cover the pot or container containing the mixture with a lid or plastic wrap. Keep the mixture stored in a warm place for about 10 to 12 hours. To keep the yogurt warm in a cooler place, wrap the towel around the pot or container to keep it warm. If you want a tangier yogurt, keep the yogurt stored for an additional 3 to 5 hours.
  1. Check the yogurt and refrigerate once it’s finished culturing. Let it cool for at least 3 to 4 hours before eating.

Making Homemade Yogurt: Closing Thoughts

As you can see, making homemade yogurt is not that difficult than what most people think. A yogurt maker will take all the effort out of your hands and will make your life a bit easier of course. Although there are some supplies that you do need to go out and get, everything used in this recipe can be purchased right at a department or grocery store.

This is the basic homemade yogurt recipe. If you want to make Greek yogurt, you can follow a few extra steps. It’s easy and also very tasty to eat!


Thanks for reading.

Yogurt and fruit in bowl

List of top yogurt starters

The best yogurt starter can be a small amount kept aside from the previous batch you have made.

The starter can define the taste, texture and consistency of the homemade yogurt. It affects the tang based on the bacteria that it contains. You should always use one culture and not mix them.

You can buy starters in the market as well which you give you more options e.g. non dairy or skimmed milk.

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